Saturday, March 22, 2008

I've already blogged many times how Angelina donates 1/3 of her income. reports:
Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie have donated $8 million to various charities through their non-profit Jolie Pitt Foundation.

Their biggest donations were to Doctors Without Borders (International Division) and the Global AIDS Alliance. The couple gave these organizations $1 million each.

In addition to donating cash, Brad and Angelina invest a lot of TIME helping out those in need. Brad's helping to re-build New Orleans with the Make It Right Foundation and Ange travels the world with the UN to advocate for refugees.

I really admire Angelina Jolie. She has really reinvented herself since adopting her son Maddox (who is the cutest little boy) and really stepped up and thrown herself into causes she really believes in.

She has said before that she divides her income into thirds. 1/3 to expenses, 1/3 to charity and 1/3 to investments.

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. No matter how much your income, can you imagine cutting it by 33%?? Could you do it? Even if not for charity could you divert 33% to debt reduction, retirement, or children's college fund? Would you even try it for a month? Three months? Six months? (answer in the comments)

Another important thing that can be gained from this article is that even if you can't make monetary donations most non-profit organizations can benefit from your TIME. Most if not all can use more volunteers a few hours a week.

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